June Releases

May has been mostly spent reading urban fantasy, namely Jasper Fforde’s The Last Dragonslayer series, Mark Hayden’s King’s Watch series, and the fantastic Left-Handed Booksellers of London, by Garth Nix.  Urban fantasy seems to be where my head is at right now, so I’m just going with it. The Last Dragonslayer is technically YA, but…… Continue reading June Releases

The Essential John Wyndham: The Pulp Fiction Collection

John Wyndham, edited by Christopher Broschell ★★★ Whether they realise it or not, most people will be passingly familiar with at least one John Wyndham work, even if they’ve only seen it on film or TV and took no notice of the writer’s name in the credits. The most common is probably The Day of…… Continue reading The Essential John Wyndham: The Pulp Fiction Collection

Howls from Hell

Foreword by Grady Hendrix ★★★ The HOWL (Horror-Obsessed Writing and Literature) Society came to being as a subreddit gathering of horror fans and writers, and, as the saying goes, the rest is history. Howls from Hell is their first anthology, featuring sixteen emerging authors. Anthologies are always a mixed bag, but they are a great…… Continue reading Howls from Hell


Sammy HK Smith ★★★ In her post-apocalyptic world, she has chosen to leave her home and wander the wastelands, subsisting on what she can scavenge and hunt. Women have become mere chattel in this new reality, bought and sold and violated at the whim of the men who snare them, so she avoids human contact,…… Continue reading Anna


Cari Thomas ★★★★★ “Magic is the first sin; we must bear it silently” When Anna’s father murdered her mother and killed himself, it was her aunt who took her in. Aunt is a witch, a Binder. Anna is being raised to become a Binder, taught that magic is a curse, a temptation that must be…… Continue reading Threadneedle