The Passengers

John Marrs  ★★★★★ Eight driverless cars have been set on a high-speed collision course, and all those inside will be killed. One passenger can be saved, but only one. Which of the eight passengers is most worthy of living? Which seven will you condemn to die? Do you rank by age? By gender? Race? Religion?…… Continue reading The Passengers

The Other

Matthew Buscemi ★★★ The Other is an on-the-nose futuristic sci-fi cum political thriller. Set in the last remaining human enclave of what appears to be our planet, the novel explores the differences between and possible outcomes of liberalism and populism. It’s the dying days of the presidential campaign in the Reclamation, the group of cities…… Continue reading The Other

Body Tourists

Jane Rogers ★★★ In the mid twenty-first century, a brilliant scientist discovers a way in which a cryogenically preserved brain can be downloaded into the body of a living person.  In Body Tourists, Jane Rogers considers the various ethical, legal, physical and emotional ramifications of this process. In a dystopian British society, the poor are…… Continue reading Body Tourists